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       香水柠檬:柠檬(Citrus limon)拉丁学名:lemon 别称:柠果、洋柠檬、益母果。是芸香科柑桔属的常绿小乔木,原产东南亚,现主要产地为美国、意大利、西班牙和希腊。香水柠檬为台湾培育品种,其果型修长,大而无核,最大的特色是果皮味道是清甜的,完全没有其他柠檬的苦涩味道,可以直接切片泡水,因其汁水香气浓郁,故有“香水柠檬”,因其无核所以也叫“无核柠檬。香水柠檬一年四季花果不断,几乎周年不断收果,所以也称“台湾四季香水柠檬”。香水柠檬不单是夏季冷食圣品,更是养颜美容、瘦身之佳品。主要为榨汁用,有时也用做烹饪调料,其它品种柠檬基本不用作鲜食。柠檬由阿拉伯人带往欧洲,古希腊、古罗马的文献中均无记载,15世纪时才在意大利热那亚开始种植,1494年在亚速尔群岛出现,富含维生素C。它是"坏血病"的克星。



The perfume of lemon: lemon (Citrus limon) Latin name: Lemon nickname: lemon fruit, the lemon, motherwort fruit. Rutaceae citrus is a small evergreen tree, native to Southeast Asia, are the main origin of USA, Italy, Spain and greece. The perfume of lemon for Taiwan cultivars, the fruit shape slender, large and seedless, the biggest characteristic is peel flavor is sweet, no other lemon bitter taste, can be directly slice soaked in water, because of its juice aroma, it is "perfume of lemon", because of its non nuclear so it is called "seedless lemon. The perfume of lemon Four Seasons fruit constantly, constantly almost anniversary of fruit, so also known as "Taiwan four seasons fragrance of lemon". The perfume of lemon is not only a summer cold San goods, is the Jiapin beauty, slimming. Used mainly for juice, sometimes used as cooking spices, other varieties of lemon essential need for fresh. Lemon brought by the Arabs in Europe, had no record of ancient Greece, ancient Rome literature, began to plant in Italy Genoa in fifteenth Century, 1494 in the Azores, rich in vitamin C. It is "scurvy" buster.

Solemnly declare: we are only responsible for seed varieties purity and good agreement with the quantity and quality of seedling cultivation, seedling quality on the outside (weather) technical measures, environmental management, loss variation, market supply and demand as a result of the death, or we from liability!Do not accept this statement without purchasing.






地  址:福建省漳州市龙文区朝阳镇六石开发区

邮  编:363000

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邮  箱:2260295777@qq.com


2005 版权所有 漳州市龙文区茗誉果苗场
地址:中国福建省漳州市龙文区朝阳镇六石开发区 邮政编码:363005
电话:0596--2115197 传真:0596--2116301 手机:13960145777
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