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生 产 商:漳州市龙文区茗誉果苗抽象
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       草莓番石榴(拉丁名:Psidium littorale Raddi),又名鸡矢果、樱桃番石榴,是原产于巴西的一种可使用植物。草莓番石榴树皮平滑,灰褐,叶倒卵形至椭圆形,厚革质,果实内部为白色适合种植于庭园进行装点,在中国南部有栽培。草莓番石榴是灌木或小乔木,高达7米;嫩枝圆形。叶片厚革质,椭圆形至倒卵形,长5—10厘米,宽2—4厘米,先端急尖,基部楔形,全缘,两面均无毛,侧脉不明显。花白,腋生单花;萼管倒圆锥形,萼片4—5,卵形;花瓣倒卵形,长1厘米;雄蕊比花瓣短;子房下位,与萼管合生,4室,花柱纤细,柱头盾状。浆果梨形或球形,长2.5—4厘米,花期夏季。



Strawberry Psidium (Latin name: littorale Raddi), also known as the chicken arrow fruit, cherry, is a kind of plant that is native to Brazil. Strawberry guava bark is smooth, grey brown, leaves obovate to oblong, thick leathery, internal fruit white suitable for planting in gardens on deck, in southern China has cultivated. Strawberry guava is a shrub or small tree, up to 7 meters; the shoots round. Leaf blade thickly leathery, elliptic to obovate, long 5 - 10 cm wide and 2 - 4 cm, apex acute, base cuneate, margin entire, both surfaces glabrous, lateral veins is not obvious. Gray, a solitary axillary flowers; calyx tube obconic. Sepals 4 -- 5, ovate; petals obovate, 1 cm long; stamens shorter than petals; ovary inferior, and calyx tube connate, 4 rooms, style slender, stigma shield like. Berry pear shaped or spherical, 2.5 - 4 cm long, flowering in summer.

Solemnly declare: we are only responsible for seed varieties purity and good agreement with the quantity and quality of seedling cultivation, seedling quality on the outside (weather) technical measures, environmental management, loss variation, market supply and demand as a result of the death, or we from liability!Do not accept this statement without purchasing.




地  址:福建省漳州市龙文区朝阳镇六石开发区

邮  编:363000

电  话:+86-0596--2115197

手  机:13960145777

传  真:+86-0596--2116301

邮  箱:2260295777@qq.com


2005 版权所有 漳州市龙文区茗誉果苗场
地址:中国福建省漳州市龙文区朝阳镇六石开发区 邮政编码:363005
电话:0596--2115197 传真:0596--2116301 手机:13960145777
Email:2260295777@qq.com    技术支持:xm.pw
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